Sunday, September 28, 2008

My favorite French Bread recipe

1 cup warm water -Free
2 1/2 tsp dry yeast-.01
2 1/2-3 cups bread flour-.20
1 tsp salt-.01
1 Tbsp oil-.05

Total Cost .27 cents makes 2 loaves

combine water, yeast, salt, and 1 cup flour. Mix, and allow to rest about 5 min (it will start to bubble)

In your bread mixer, slowly add remaining flour with mixer running.

Let rise for 40 min in an oiled bowl, covered.

Punch down, and form 2 long thin loaves. Place on baking sheet and let rise an additional 15 min, until doubled.

Bake at 400 for 25 min.

We usually only eat one loaf, and freeze the other for later in the week. Spread butter on it, and sprinkle a little garlic salt on it for the perfect garlic bread!

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