I have been putting any extra money in our grocery budget aside for Turkey Day. I have 12.56 to add to my weekly 20.00 budget....so 32.56 for this week. Leftover Turkey and sides will last us at least a week, so I assuming that I will be able to borrow some from next week if I need to.
Turkey- 4.88/16 lbs ( I make the same brine every year, so I still have some of the more rare ingredients from last year) , .50 onion, .25 apple, 1.99 vegetable broth, 1.50 fresh rosemary, 1.50 fresh sage. 10.62
Watch this video for cooking tipsOr this video for brining tips
Stuffing- 1.50 Mrs. Cubison's, .20 celery, 2.00 sausage, .25 apple-3.95
Mashed Potatoes- .30 2 lbs potatoes, .36 butter, .25 sour cream, .25 cream cheese-1.16
Green Bean Casserole- 1.00 beans, .60 cream of mushroom soup, 1.50 Secret ingredient (sorry)-3.10
Candied sweet potatoes- .76 2 lbs sweet potatoes, .15 brown sugar, .18 butter, .12 marshmallows- 1.21
Corn Chowder-See link for cost breakdown, for thanksgiving I half the recipe- 1.92
Rolls- store bought Pillsbury -.99
Salad- 2.50 salad greens, .50 mandarin oranges, .25 dried cranberries, .50 walnuts, .42 1/4 bottle of Kraft creamy poppyseed dressing. -4.17
Sara Lee Dutch Apple Pie 2.50
The total comes out to 29.62, however, I have most of these ingredients on hand from stock piles and such. Using my stock pile, I can make this dinner for $19.28, with lots of leftover turkey! I am so excited to start cooking! There is only 5 of us eating a 16 lb turkey! We will have Turkey coming out of our eyeballs by the end of the week!
What a great job you have done saving money on groceries. Do you really only spend $20 each week on food? that is amazing!
Thank you! I try to stock up on things when I find a good price, and one weeks budget is usually devoted to stockpiling on meat. So far it has worked for us.
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