Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Strange money saving strategy?

What is your strangest money saving strategy? As a result of buckling down on our budget, I decided to try something new.

Well, remember the retractable sharpie markers that Office Max was selling last week for $2? I saw the package lying there and remembered their slogan”WRITE OUT LOUD!"

That's genius, I thought to that is exactly what I did! I took my trusty sharpie and started going the kitchen!

I labeled everything per unit. This makes me and every member of the family aware of what their food choices are costing them out loud. Any time I think to myself that I could run through the drive thru for lunch, instead of taking 5 minutes to pack it, I am visually reminded of how much money can be saved by brown bagging it. Or, those nights I don't feel like cooking, and suggest we go out to eat, I am reminded that I can cook Top Sirloin Steak w/ all the favorite side (baked potato, steamed veggies, wild rice, and salad) for the family for the price of the tip at a restaurant.

It has also helped us stay on budget. I have split up our 25.00 grocery budget into 3 categories.

Breakfast: 20% ....$5/wk.....71 cents/day (7days)
Lunch: 25%........$6.25/wk....$1.25/day (5 day)
Dinner: 55%.......$13.75/wk....$2.39/day (6 days)

It has also proven to be a valuable lesson for the little one. Each day when we pack lunch, we add up each lunch item, and make a note of how much lunch will cost us. It was music to my ears the first time she exclaimed...."why would someone pay $2.50 for school lunch, when they can bring lunch from home for .52 cents?" Hallelujah!

What is your strangest money saving strategy?


Heidi Stone said...

that's an excellent idea! i always try to think of how much it would cost me to cook a meal at home vs the price of a restaurant, but i have never labeled all of my foods. great thinking!

i'm trying to think. i'm sure if you asked my hubby, he'd have a long list of strange money-saving things that i do. the only thing i can think of (and this isn't that strange) is that i ask all my friends and neighbors for their unused coupons every week. i typically get 3-4 sets of coupons each week w/o even buying the sunday paper! :) works for me!

Crystal DuBois said...

thats a great idea! I have my MIL send me her inserts from her paper in MI. My hubby has a big family, I am still on the fence about whether or not it would be a good idea to ask for theirs too!

For now, I just buy multiple papers at CVS with ECB's.